Feelings That Come Close To The Feeling When Your Parents Visit (in your late 20s)

I had the absolute honor and privilege of hosting my parents last weekend in Dallas.

It was a treat.

I am obsessed with them, as they are with me.

We are still in the stage where my parents still like to kind of “take care” of me if they visit. It is very much on brand with them and they truly love a week of “parenting” again: cooking homemade meals, running little errands, tackling a to-do list, going on walks, and leaning into my new life in Dallas. And I sure as heck am not going to complain about snuggles and homemade dinner!

A week of parents visiting when you are in your late-20s and have hit a rut in cooking food is literal heaven on earth. Don’t let anyone tell you differently.

So, without further ado:

A few feelings that come close to the feeling you get when your parents visit:

  1. A rainy afternoon with a book you’ve been dying to read.
  2. Waking up on a Saturday morning with not a single thing planned or on your to-do list.
  3. A glass of wine and your favorite rom-com.
  4. Coming home to a clean house after a long vacation.
  5. Walking a familiar path in your hometown, having been gone for a few years.
  6. A cold glass of water when you are parched.
  7. The sound a match makes when you light a candle- that quick little sound and then the victorious flame.
  8. Coffee in the morning.
  9. Fresh, clean sheets.
  10. Feeling like a million bucks in a new outfit.
  11. Pie with a lot of crust (maybe thats just my preferred way of eating pie)
  12. Top down, favorite song blaring, 75 and sunny, best friends around you.
  13. The top of a mountain peak (haven’t been? you have to try it)
  14. Cozy slippers with smiley faces on them.
  15. Zipping through the TSA line at the airport without any fuss.
  16. Is long walks on the beach too cliche?
  17. Fall colors on a cool 50 degree morning.
  18. Snuggles with a puppy. Or baby.
  19. A sunflower field. Or tulip patch. Or vast flowers of any kind.
  20. That one meal at that one restaurant in that one city that you can’t stop thinking about.

That is all.

Mom, Dad, I love ya!! Come back absolutely anytime. Stay as long as you want! Forever even! I wouldn’t mind! How many exclamation points makes something cute sound a little problematic and unhealthy!!!

But seriously, what a treat to feel all of the above 20 feelings in a single week with my two favorite people.



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